El Indio

from £13.00

Notes: Passion fruit, orange & wine
Producers: El Indio
Region: Planadas, Colombia
Variety: Caturra
Process: Natural

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About this coffee

El Indio

This single-varietal microlot is a standout example of how simple natural processing can yield truly exceptional results. This is one brew you absolutely must experience to appreciate.

El Indio, Colombia is situated in the esteemed Tolima region, renowned for its coffee cultivation, this coffee holds its own among the best in the Cup of Excellence and Colombian Coffee Federation competitions.

What sets this coffee apart is the collaborative effort of the El Indio program's growers. With strict standards and protocols in place, quality remains consistently high.

Once harvested, the coffee cherries undergo meticulous drying on raised beds or concrete patios until reaching optimal moisture levels. This stage is pivotal in achieving the exceptional cup quality that characterises the El Indio flavour profile.

During drying, natural fermentation works its magic, imparting unique and captivating flavours - think passion fruit, orange and wine notes.

from £13.00
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